Monday, 16 March 2009

Shifting Sands

So, a little late with this entry for Shifting Sands. It's a really busy time at the moment, and the rest of last week was taken up with the Science department's Wow Show. The Devil's Doctor was superb though. These are one of our favourite companies, and it was great to have Gerry Flanagan bring the cast back to the theatre for their latest show. With warnings of loud bangs, potions and flashes, the play was a bit of a preview to the Science experiments we saw on Friday!

The Devils' Doctor tells the story of The 16th Century Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus, one of the pioneers of modern medicine. The story weaves it's way in and out of science and comedy, in an exciting and enthused adventure through history, showing the ups and downs of Paracelsus and his new way of thinking. Because there was a lot of information to get in to the hour and ten minute show, at times the script was a little text heavy, but this was the only point of criticism. The three actors were full of energy throughout the entire performance and the audience really buzzed of the atmosphere. The visual elements were well executed and added greatly to the story, with perfect comic timing as always.

Shifting Sands are a great company to book in to your venue, or to go and watch. I urge you to check out their website and see them at the next opportunity.

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